Per Diem – Tech – Computed Tomography (CT) (Days) Mattoon, IL



Title: Per Diem – Tech – Computed Tomography (CT) (Days) Mattoon, IL

Description: Accurate image identification including documentation in patient records (Charts) of proper consents, orders, and screening forms., Determines portion of body to be imaged and properly positions the most suitable body position for the images., Follow proper policy and protocol for procedures as outlined in protocol guides, and hospital policy., Keeps work area neat and clean., Maintains equipment by routine cleaning and operations checks., Performs exams by setting, adjusting, manipulating, and controlling department specific equipment, Positions patients and various body parts for radiologic exams. Uses proper collimation and patient shielding., Processes images to PACS system, Produces technically excellent images., Utilizes ALARA principles to reduce radiation exposure to staff members and patients., Utilizes Hospital Information System (HIS) to obtain patient information, verify orders, complete charges, and process studies. , Utilizes proper safety techniques to scan patients and provide excellent quality imaging.
